• JESUS is our message.

    We are most committed to the preaching of Jesus. Our message is everything. We are Jesus’ people, not religious people. Methods will come and go, yet our message will remain the same.

  • PEOPLE are our heart.

    Our heart is ALL people. Jesus loves all people. We make no apologies for being specifically focused on reaching the lost. We desire to bring the broken home at all costs. We believe that our light is best seen in the night. John 4:20-21

  • LOVE is our language.

    Everything we say, we say it with love. We apologize first. We forgive. We do not carry offenses or fail to be gracious even with those we disagree. God is love and we pursue His nature by loving first.

  • WORSHIP is our lifestyle.

    Worship shifts our focus from ourselves to God. Romans 12:1

  • GENEROSITY is our privilege.

    Generosity is about giving more than what is required We see generosity as a privilege. We are generous with our time, talents, and treasure. We cannot out give God.

  • EXCELLENCE is our signature.

    We’re going to always do the best with what we have. We are on time, engaged, and prepared. We do not do things halfway. If we’re going to do it, it’s to the best of our ability. Proverbs 3:8

  • CREATIVITY is our culture.

    From the beginning of time, God used creative means to communicate with His people. If God communicates creativity, we will, too. It is our way of life. We challenge the status quo.

    1 Corinthians 12:12-31

  • CELEBRATION is our spirit.

    We make every moment count. The best days are not our yesterdays. The best is yet to come.

  • AUTHENTICITY is our standard.

    We keep it real, fight against fake, and embrace how God made each of us unique. Not only does this foster diversity, but it also helps build trust. When we are free to be our authentic selves, we are freed from the constraints of being someone we are not. 1 Timothy 1:5

  • UNITY is our strength.

    We are stronger together than we are as individuals. We will accept and grow from one another’s differences. Psalms 133:1; John 11:20-23